The Forge, Banff

Community Arts Hub in Banff, Aberdeenshire

The Forge Banff CIC is creating a community arts hub, to serve Banff, Macduff, Whitehills, and the surrounding areas with classes, activities, workshops, and community events.


We will offer classes in art, crafts, including heritage crafts that will help to preserve the culture of our beautiful area. In addition there will be provision for studio, gallery and retail space for local artists. We also endeavour to work with community groups, schools, and other local businesses to raise the profile of the area, and play our part in keeping our local community thriving.


The premises include a large workshop and a yard, which will also allow a range of outdoor activities, which we hope to include gardening, permaculture workshops, blacksmithing and others.

Other initiatives we are looking into include repair cafes, bicycle loans, and markets.